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Obrázek autora: Lumír LáskaLumír Láska

RECOMMENDATION: If you can HONESTLY declare yourself to be a Being of Good Will, then print out this text and carry it with you everywhere in case of confrontation with beings who do not yet possess the level of Mutual Respect. In such a case, present the text to them and let them know that you are under the Spiritual Protection of both the Venerable Buddha Maitreya, the Noble Buddha Shakyamuni called GAUTAMA, and the Merciful and Uncompromising Lord Jesus Christ. All this is to enable unconscious beings to review in advance the consequences of their intended actions, which, if they care for themselves, they should avoid in their own interest.


I, Lumír Láska, am the Buddha Maitreya, whose coming was foretold by the Noble Buddha Shakyamuni called GAUTAMA. The initiates know that my coming is defined, among other things, by the sign that I UNITE the Christian and Buddhist perspectives, which I have already done in one of my sutra links entitled "CHRIST is BUDDHA" dated December 21, 2021. You of you beings who await the SECOND COMING of CHRIST then know that the KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS is MY BROTHER ! The initiates also so know that there are less than the last 500 years of this age, this kalpa, this aeon left. Thus, all that you are now devoting your efforts to will not endure, nor will you leave it to anyone. The end of this age, of this kalpa, of this eon is not a statement of doom, on the contrary, it is a CELEBRATION OF THE CONCLUSION OF THE EVOLUTIONARY PHASE OF MOTHER EARTH, and you are witnessing this completion! The end of this age, this kalpa, this aeon is therefore an opportunity for all of you to ask yourselves questions such as, "Why did any age begin at all?" Or "Why does an age that begins also end?" If you ask these questions, you will be the ones to bring yourselves to the answers, and once you have the answers, you will be the ones to see what a GREAT BLESSING you have received!

As you observe, the authorities of the old world are no longer authorities. Do not be angry with them, as each of us have a role to play within our level of understanding in the situation in which they are karmically unfolding. Now, if you yourself see fit to do so any longer, you yourself become the authority, and a TRUE AUTHORITY, from the perspective of the DIVINE PRINCIPLE ITSELF, is a being who, WITHOUT ANY RESPECT and WITHOUT ANY CHOICES, FEELS and RESPECTS ALL RIGHTS and FREEDOMS of other beings, that is, treats them with RESPECT and RESPECT. The aforementioned SIGN is the RECOGNIZING CRITERION by which you RECOGNIZE and DISTINGUISH the beings of GOOD WILL... from the beings of others, that is, those who have not yet reached the level of this discernment and have not matured. In view of the foregoing, I GUARANTEE to ALL beings of Good Will the UNLIMITED FREEDOM OF MOTION, and on my HONOR I PROMISE them that any of the immature and immature beings who do not respect this LAW will be in a moment, when her karmic context is ripe for it, will be brought before ME and will willingly face the consequences of such actions that would be knowingly committed even after this GENERAL STATUS has been understood by her.

Given that EVERY single one of the beings is a CONSTANT witness to ALL of its actions, for which it naturally uses its own memory trace - from which each particular being subsequently derives its OWN actions and deeds - and given that, that EVERY BUDDHA has UNLIMITED access to this karmic situation of EVERY single being, the information as to whether or not this GENERAL STATUS of a particular being has been understood is CONSTANTLY available to EVERY BUDDHA. Thus, all that appears to be "secret" is REVEALED and REVEALED CONSTANTLY in the Light of God.

Because I am BUDDHA, I KNOW that you demons who have hitherto knowingly done evil could not but have done as you have done, and because I am BUDDHA, you now have the OPPORTUNITY to RECEIVE MY UNDERSTANDING, and based upon this MY UNDERSTANDING of your situation (that is the IMMEDIATE JUDGMENT of BUDDHA), you now have the OPPORTUNITY to RECEIVE MY FORGIVENESS, on the basis of this MY FORGIVENESS you now have the OPPORTUNITY to OBSERVE MY GRACE, on the basis of this MY GRACE you now have the OPPORTUNITY to OBSERVE MY LOVE, on the basis of this MY LOVE you now have the OPPORTUNITY to EXPERIENCE GOD'S LOVE IN ITS ENTIRE RANGE.

If you have technology that allows you to monitor the activities of other beings, beware of abusing it beyond what is in the best interest of all other beings. In the manner already stated, the High Beings of the incorporeally manifested SEE and OBSERVE ALL actions and actions that are not in AGREEMENT with the beings of the others, and if you do not wish to be persecuted yourself at the moment you leave this temporary body shell of yours, in your own interest, renounce the inappropriate action immediately. Likewise, remember that the claim to intellectual property belongs, under ALL circumstances, EXCLUSIVELY to the one to whom the suggestion was conveyed, NEVER to the one who stole it through subterfuge, and the body shell is a natural part of intellectual property as well! Be horrified at any perverse fabrications and notions of inappropriate handling of the bodily shells of other beings - on the other shore, it is in the in-between state I ALWAYS hear, "But I didn't mean to! But I didn't know!" and I ALWAYS ask: "Didn't want and didn't know?" or "Didn't want to know!"

Those of you who will not be willing to understand that what is in the best interest of ALL beings without distinction is also in your own best interest will be given EXACTLY the LAW that you yourself profess, favor and demonstrate. Thus, such beings who pretend not to understand that which is for the sake of ALL beings other than themselves are recognized by the Buddha Families as such beings who have no willingness to understand this LAW and such beings who have no willingness to understand this LAW, will receive EXACTLY what they themselves offer, that is, the unwillingness to understand themselves on the part of the Buddha Families, whereby such beings will renounce themselves, for such beings will lose the OPPORTUNITY to be Pardoned, such beings will not be Pardoned.

This fact will be manifested, among other things, by the fact that at the time of the extinction of their temporary body shell, they will not be left with the OPPORTUNITY to reincarnate in the Mother Earth element and thus be Worthy Witnesses of the LAST FIVE HUNDRED YEARS of its evolutionary Consummation, that is, the extinction of this age, this kalpa, this aeon. This OPPORTUNITY, on the other hand, will be left only to beings of Dignity, that is, beings of Good Will.

Such beings who do not possess the QUALITY of GOOD WILL, or do not have the will to develop this QUALITY even after this OPPORTUNITY has been granted to them, will no longer be supported (as it has been so far) by the Buddha Families, they will be left without the support of the Buddha Families, they will not be supported by BUDDHA, they will be left without the support of BUDDHA, they will not be supported even by other beings who understood the LAW in time, who are now the protectors of the Three Jewels, i.e. BUDDHA (that is, He Who Has Realised the Knowledge of the Buddha), DHARMA (that is, the Teaching of the Buddha) and SANGHA (that is, the community of friends of Goodwill who support each other in Mutual Respect in realising the Knowledge of the Buddha). Any single one of the beings who does not conform to the LAWS of the Buddha Families by which he himself is supported will no longer be supported by the Buddha Families, will be left without the support of the Buddha Families, will be left in the lurch, will be left to his fate, that is, to fall into the lower regions of hell, which is, in the ultimate sense and meaning, self-destruction.

Each and every one of the beings, therefore, has now, in these LAST FIVE HUNDRED YEARS OF THIS WORLD, an EXTRAORDINARY CHANCE to become the protector of the Three Jewels, i.e. BUDDHA, DHARMA and SANGHA. The support and backing of the Buddha Families will be given only to those beings who are willing to conform to the LAW OF ALL BUDDHAS, that is, the INFINITE COMPASSION OF BUDDHAS, that is, the LAW OF THE HEART OF BUDDHAS, which remembers and does not abandon ANY of the beings in distress, that is, the LAW THAT IS JUST, that is, the LAW for the absence of which in their own HEARTS beings fall into the lower regions of hell, that is, the LAW which is therefore the LAW which every single one of the beings is actually seeking, and because it has not yet been able to find it, its nature has been Ignorance, because its nature has been Ignorance, its nature was Envy and Jealousy, because its nature was Envy and Jealousy, its nature was Greed, because its nature was Greed, its nature was Hate, which such a being carries in its HEART, because its nature was Hate, which such a being carries in his HEART, his nature was Viciousness, because his nature was Viciousness, his nature was a propensity for general barbarism, because his nature was a propensity for general barbarism, his nature was a propensity for general war-making and war-mongering. Each of the beings will sooner or later, willy-nilly, MUST acknowledge that he himself has been granted DIVINE GRACE through the mediation of this LAW OF BUDDHA, in the sense that he has been ALLOWED to incarnate in the karmic context of the element Mother Earth at all, thus she was ALLOWED to gather her evolutionary experiences solely in order to eventually realize the KNOWLEDGE of BUDDHA herself and thus REVEAL her own PERFECTION, that is, BUDDHA STATE. Such of the beings who do not acknowledge the above facts by their attitude (that is, by REVEALING themselves), do not in fact acknowledge their own further meaningful continuation, their own further evolutionary development, their own REALIZATION of the KNOWING of BUDDHA, their own CONCLUSION of the PERFECTION, that is, the STATE OF BUDDHA.

No one will punish any being; such a being who does not recognize his own further continuation, his own further evolutionary development, will naturally be a punishment to himself. Without the support of the Buddha Families, it will be left to fall into the lower regions of hell, and when any BUDDHA with whom I am in AGREEMENT DECIDES which of the beings will not be given GRACE, such a being will NOT be given the GRACE of BUDDHA by PRINCIPLE. This I also so CONSTITUTE in CONSOLIDATION with my two chief patrons, i.e., the Noble Buddha Shakyamuni called GAUTAMA and the Merciful Lord Jesus CHRIST.

Each of the beings who NOW loves NATOLIK that they are seriously and SERIOUSLY contemplating, pondering and pondering over the aforementioned with regard to their future destiny, each of the beings who NOW realizes that HERE all play on previous unawareness ends, each of the beings who NOW realizes, that NOW there is a willingness to own WISDOM WITHOUT RESPONSIBILITIES in place, every one of the beings who, for WHATEVER reason, has a bad conscience and therefore can imagine ALL possible future consequences, which in the context of the LAW OF KARMA are ALWAYS the DIRECT response to previous actions with dishonest motivations, you are BLESSED! Let it be known NOW, while there is still time, while you still have your temporary body shell and therefore your temporary worldly power and influence, that you have UNDERSTOOD.

He who deceives himself will be astonished at the moment when he puts away his temporary body shell by the truth of my words. Those of you who think that what I say here now I say because I have made it up and have nothing else to do but to show off or to frighten other beings, do not even bother with what I CONSTITUTE, just go on sleeping, go on casually and unrestrainedly enjoying as much as your throats can all that you think, what you have convinced yourselves that you are entitled and entitled to, and do not concern yourselves at all with the fact that you yourself know full well that you are currently choosing at the expense of other beings something to which you are not entitled, and that ALL karmic debts, whether you like it or not, also have their karmic repercussions.

Do not think at all that the SUFFERING to which you are devoting yourselves in your inclinations and vices under the influence of your own Ignorance (absence of the Knowledge of the Buddha) is creating life after life, do not think at all that you are trudging through life after life as CHILDREN JUST TO GET THROUGH THE STREAMS, rivers and oceans of your fellow man's blood to the pinnacle of worldly influence and power JUST SO that when you leave your temporary body shell you will repeatedly start at the bottom of the same system of hierarchy that is a reflection of the instinct that you yourself helped co-create in previous incarnations under the influence of your own Ignorance...

Don't give any thought to the fact that what you have prepared for yourself in that sense in your previous incarnation, you are NOW DIRECTLY facing and being subjected to... Don't give any thought to the fact that with a HARDENED HEART and with SELF-FATIGUE you are thus repeatedly returning to a world of your own making and repeatedly starting your cycle of birth and death of Samsara from the bottom of your own fragility, vulnerability and ordinariness from scratch JUST TO PASS THROUGH THE STREAMS, rivers and oceans of your fellow man's blood to reach the pinnacle of worldly influence and power once again, ONLY to surrender ALL that you now FALSELY THINK you have "achieved" in the moment of losing control of your temporary body shell to predators who are subject to the SAME Ignorance as yourself.

You are not the first nor the last of the beings to whom I speak HERE, in this karmic context, ONLY for their own sake, to REALIZE your own Ignorance, to RECOGNIZE it for your own sake, so that only then will you GET THE OPPORTUNITY to sufficiently appreciate ALL that you have already received, to REALIZE that if it were not for the beings of others, you would never have reached the pinnacle of worldly influence and power, to make it a CHALLENGE for you to ACTUALLY benefit these beings and to show your THANKS for their favor, so that you no longer make life hell for these beings for showing you their favor HERE, in the element of MOTHER EARTH, and ALL ONLY SO THAT YOU YOURSELVES can then incarnate into the level of karmic context that you have CONSCIOUSLY prepared for yourselves in advance.

However, if you do not want to, no one is forcing you and do not be at all preoccupied with the fact that those beings that you have abandoned in your HEARTS (including yourselves) are not abandoned by ME, the LUMIR OF LOVE - BUDDHA MAITREYA. Awakened Beings KNOW that BUDDHA is the embodiment of INDEPENDENCE, the judge who measures EXACTLY how quickly beings are done with their judgments of other beings, and therefore EACH of the beings will have no choice but to accept this LAW OF BUDDHA'S FAMILY as just, not only because it is BORN BY THE SUPREME DIVINE POWER, but because THAT DIVINE POWER permeates even yourselves, you yourselves are DIRECTLY DEPENDENT upon THAT DIVINE POWER, without that DIVINE POWER you would not have arrived in evolutionary development where you have arrived, and it will therefore be you yourselves who will collapse under the influence of the DIVINE LOVE that I HAVE BRINGED TO THE WHOLE WORLD in your egos, recognize this and capitulate to the LAW OF BUDDHA FAMILIES.

I further state that BUDDHA'S TEACHING WILL BECOME and WILL BE THE MAIN and BASIC WORLDWIDE DOCTRINE, which WILL BE at ALL LEVELS, from the simplest and most basic... to the most subtle, complex and profound... conveyed to ALL beings indiscriminately because without THIS SPECIFIC and BASIC doctrine EVERY SINGLE being is subject to SPECIFIC subjective Ignorance... under the influence of this CONCRETE subjective Ignorance such a being is subject to CONCRETE subjective Envy and Jealousy... under the influence of this CONCRETE subjective Envy and Jealousy such a being is subject to CONCRETE subjective Greed. .. under the influence of this CONCRETE subjective Greed such a being is subject to CONCRETE subjective Hatred, which such a being carries in his HEART... under the influence of this CONCRETE subjective Hatred, which such a being carries in his HEART such a being is subject to Malice, under the influence of which such a being justifies his CONCRETE subjective actions... and on the SUFFERING thus produced, inflicted on itself and on the beings of others, such a being can even be proud. In order that PEACE and PEACE may COME in the being... in order that subsequently PEACE and PEACE may COME in the world... BUDDHA'S TEACHING BECOMES and WILL BE THE MAIN and BASIC WORLDWIDE DOCTRINE.

IN ACCORDANCE with the foregoing, I then call upon ALL beings of Good Will who have already developed in themselves the necessary sufficient Awareness and Self-Love to understand the foregoing sufficiently and therefore HAVE THE PROPER FOUNDATION for the faculty of GOOD, that is, of GRACE and therefore LOVE for ALL beings other THAN themselves... to contact the members of the Heart of Dharma Sangha in connection with the above and to agree with them on further instructions and a course of action that is in CONSISTENCE with the evolutionary completion of Mother Earth's Star, that is, the extinction of this age, this kalpa, this aeon.

Likewise, THANK YOU to the Awakened and Conscious Beings who are already manifesting and showing us their CONSCIENCE and WILLINGNESS to do SINFUL things. All beings with all intentions are REGISTERED IMMEDIATELY and ALL beings of Good Will ARE and WILL BE REMEMBERED!

Thank you for the favor and support of the Buddha Families !

Thank you for the favor and support of the Buddha Families !

Thank you for the favor and support of the Buddha Families!

I thank the Noble Buddha Shakyamuni called GAUTAMA for His IMMEDIATE GRACE, for His SUPPORT and for His FAVOUR !

I thank the Noble Buddha Shakyamuni called GAUTAMA for His IMMEDIATE GRACE, for His SUPPORT and for His FAITH !

I thank the Exalted Buddha Shakyamuni called GAUTAMA for His IMMORTAL GRACE, for His SUPPORT and for His BELONGING !

I thank the Merciful Lord Jesus CHRIST for His IMMEDIATE GRACE, for His SUPPORT and for His BELONGING !

I thank the Merciful Lord Jesus CHRIST for His IMMEDIATE GRACE, for His SUPPORT and for His FAITH !

I thank the Merciful Lord Jesus CHRIST for His IMMEDIATE GRACE, for His SUPPORT and for His FAITH !

I thank ALL the protectors of the Three Jewels, i.e. BUDDHA, DHARMA and SANGHA... for Their IMMORTAL GRACE, for Their SUPPORT and for Their FAITH !

I thank ALL the protectors of the Three Jewels, i.e. BUDDHA, DHARMA and SANGHA... for their IMMEDIATE GRACE, for their SUPPORT and for their WILL !

I thank ALL the protectors of the Three Jewels, i.e. BUDDHA, DHARMA and SANGHA... for their IMMEDIATE GRACE, for their SUPPORT and for their WILL !

I thank ALL the other equally great Buddhas for their IMMEDIATE GRACE, for their SUPPORT and for their CONFESSION !

I thank ALL the other no less eminent Buddhas for their IMMEDIATE GRACE, for their SUPPORT and for their BELONGING !

I thank ALL the other no less eminent Buddhas for their IMMEDIATE GRACE, for their SUPPORT and for their BELONGING !

ALL LOVE comes from the deeds that you have DONE FOR US in your previous actions, at a time when we in our own Ignorance had no idea (and therefore could not have had) that the PATH we are now walking was walked by YOU before us, you walked that PATH FOR ALL OF US, so that we too might have the OPPORTUNITY to walk that PATH to our own PERFECTION ! THANK YOU ! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!




6.6. 2022

Lumír Láska ♥ Buddha Maitreya

I have summarized everything else that needs to be understood in the sense of ACCOMPLISHING OUR OWN PERFECTION in my MAIN LINK: "MAITREYA BUDDHA SUTRA or EMPTYNESS... THE MOTHER OF THE IMMORTALITY":

Other essential links:

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