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Awakening from a dream


Imagine a being who is deeply asleep and then wakes up in a dream, but precisely because he is deeply asleep, he cannot recognize that he is in a dream that he himself is creating in every moment. The scenery of the dream is at first vague and monotonous, but in time this being learns to distinguish one sensation from another, learns the function, the name, and the story of every phenomenon that occurs in its field. Her great teachers in this are the first two gods the being encounters: mother and father, who guide her to be an extension of their story and the story of those who came before them, and so teach the being to grant them this wish. In this way the being becomes karmically bound to the lineage, to one of the myriad streams of phenomena in this element, in this dreamtime and space. Since all genera have their origin in the Prime Cause, from which everything in this dream-space derives, the acceptance of the genus karma also means the acceptance of the karma of the entire element of its subjective dream-world. The being thus carries on his back a knapsack loaded with the karma of the entire subjective universe, which is at the same time himself, that is, in effect, a Burden to Himself. The being thus faces itself and its own demons in every moment of the present, which it projects into the subjective dream reality; in every moment of the present, it finds itself at the underworld court where its own heart is weighed against the feather, where the god-judge is again the being itself. Such a being, in the state of its own subjectivity, which distinguishes between "me" vs. "the other" and which is preoccupied with keeping what is "mine" and what it wishes to keep and getting rid of what is indeed "mine" but which it does not wish to be associated with it, such a being is subject to self-torture. Such is the degree of this self-torture, such is the inner restlessness of the being, such is the degree of the instinct and tendency to dominate in the mad dream which the being thus creates for himself, even though he suffers in it. Imagine that every other being that appears in the element of this being is its own demon that it must deal with, deal with Itself through it.

And imagine that another being who is Fully Awake appears in the space where this being is asleep and suddenly lights up, like flipping on a light switch in a dark room. The awakening is initially painful for the being because many impurities that the being believed to be "hers" have clung to it during sleep. Therefore, it is angry at first and covers itself with a blanket of detachment and arrogance. Cleaning is not pleasant for the creature, but since what it refuses to clean comes back to it as Fate anyway, it will eventually have no choice but to tame itself. The inveterate programs are still catching up in inertia, but the Light, which is Compassion and shines from the Fully Awakened Being, is uncompromising. The seed has been planted and the being knows it cannot fall asleep again, no longer does the game of chasing its own tail make sense.

Now imagine that you are the being who is in a deep sleep without knowing that he is asleep. Imagine that you are also the being in whose element the light has just come on and it is waking up. And imagine that at the same time you are also that being who is Fully Awake and has just lit up Itself. And now imagine no more and do the same Grace to Yourself.

With respect for all being

Tomáš Merlin Ježek

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