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Dalai Lama - Spiritual Leader's Well-Deserved Rest

Obrázek autora: Lumír LáskaLumír Láska

I have been asked to comment on the act (which has set off a wave of disillusionment, disappointment and anger) of the vaccination that the spiritual leader of the Tibetans, the 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso, allegedly received.

First and foremost, understand that DL is, was, and will be inherently homeless, having been brutally persecuted, massacred, and deprived of his home with his fellow human beings precisely because he is the Protector of the Buddha Teachings.

Understand that everyone without exception who carries the Teachings of the Buddha is the catalyst and lightning rod for ALL of the unprocessed trauma, pain and suffering of this manifested world, and this quite naturally means that he is also one of the main targets of morally weak beings who serve the ruler of darkness, the Mara, who is also referred to in other religious traditions as Shaitan, Satan, fallen angel, jinn, devil, etc.

No one who has not done as much for the world as DL, no one who is not in DL's situation, can understand the immense pressure of dark forces beyond ordinary worldly understanding that DL has faced, is facing, and will face. Hand on heart, who could stand what DL has stood for this world?

Last but not least, one must understand that DL is a frail, vulnerable, old and tired man in addition to the role he represents. It is a miracle that he lived to his blessed age.

DL has already done enough for this world in terms of sharing the Teachings of the Buddha and giving compassion. Now it is our turn to give compassion to DL and thus free ourselves from the expectations we place on DL. Our willingness to understand the situation DL is in is our compassion, and our compassion is our own grace that we provide to both ourselves and DL through the understanding we provide, because those who provide their compassionate understanding to other beings are liberating themselves from upset and disappointment. Thus we liberate ourselves from DL, and we liberate DL from ourselves. The willingness to give our own compassion is thus a call to our own spiritual growth.

We now face a challenge. We now return to DL what he has done for us. Now we will be DL's support. Now each of us, as DL was our spiritual father, will be a spiritual father and representative to other beings who are weak and groping in the darkness that the mirage attempts. With such an attitude, it is impossible for DL to let anyone down. Now here we are, the NEW GENERATION OF BUDDHAS. Who among you will take up your role as spiritual authorities instead of looking for a new daddy to replace DL? Will you continue to be children, or will you wish to grow up, turn into a BUDDHA and do for the world at least a fraction of what DL did for the world?

On the act of vaccination itself:

The free translation is:

"My trusted friends, including my doctor, have recommended that it is advisable to take the injection. With regard to how to prevent some serious problem, this injection is very very helpful. Very good. Likewise, other patients, YOU SEE should also take this injection for more "benefit, advantage, benefit"... So this is very important. So I took it. So I wish, to share, more people should have the courage, to take this injection."

I note that the very manifestation of DL's actions is not kind and natural. DL strikes me as a person who is afraid, who is unsure of what he is saying, who is acting against his free will and against his conscience because he is in distress. DL mentions the trustworthiness of his friends without naming them specifically. DL recommends the appropriateness of the injection across the board to everyone, without any caveats or exceptions, which is an extremely unprofessional recommendation. DL points out that the injection guarantees the possibility of avoiding a serious problem, which he does not specifically name. DL refers to the injection as being very very helpful without specifically stating what it is helpful for. DL does not state what kind or type of injection it is or why he prefers this one. DL comments to the effect that other patients should take the injection for the greater "benefit, advantage, benefit" as well, but does not comment on exactly what "benefit, advantage, benefit" is specifically at issue. DL states that it is very important, but doesn't say why it is important, he just says that he took the injection too, yet what he does is obvious, so it is odd that he goes the extra mile to say that. DL says that he wishes to share that he took the injection so that people would find the courage to take the injection, but all of his previous statements and the way he expresses them do not show that DL is aware of what he is talking about and especially the overall effect of his speech does not show that he has FREELY DECIDED to act in his own interest and in the interest of all other beings.

It is reasonable to expect a spiritual leader, especially one who represents the Teachings of the Buddha, if he can be inoculated, not to make his decision public lest he influence the FREE CHOICE of other beings. In such a case, he makes it public it is impossible for his statement to be confused and unspecific. In such a case, such a statement should be accompanied by a conclusion to the effect: "This is only my private opinion and viewpoint. I am an old man and the recommendations I have received are only and exclusively recommendations for me. What may be appropriate for me may not automatically be appropriate for everyone. Each one of you is a being in his or her own right and sovereign, and as such, regardless of my private opinion and stance, should decide for himself or herself, because he or she will also bear the consequences of his or her own decisions.

May All Beings Realize Buddhahood!

With love and respect for all sentient beings without distinction

Lumír Láska Buddha Maitreya



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