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Obrázek autora: Lumír LáskaLumír Láska

Aktualizováno: 10. 2.

Updated: June 13, 2024

April 10, 2024

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"How do you perceive the EU project and why?"

As a modern satanic sect, whose leaders have managed to erase the minds of all Europe. Because those, who stand behind, it have managed to instill in Europeans the idea of the need, necessity and indispensability of a bureaucratic state, whose operation, although this state does not really physically exist, is much more expensive, than the operation of a physical state. Of course, ordinary and innocent working people pay for this, because anyone, who does not parasitize on this project, is its direct, and thus concrete victim, because he is by religious majority socially perceived as "less intelligent" if he do not loudly support the sect's idea with majority. Which is absurd, because from the perspective of spiritual laws a being capable of rational thinking and maintaining it is more resilient and can keep it, even if the majority behaves wimpy in the sense, that is adapting to a majority, just like to the current trend, regardless of, how insane it is. It is absurd, that resilient beings are labeled by weaklings as weaklings suitable for elimination, just because they are more resilient, and because to parasite on something they consider as something to be beneath the level of their Dignity and Morality. This attitude is, of course, outside the framework of understanding of beings Morally immature. EVERY sect of the Morally immature considers itself "more intelligent", than other beings, who do not belong to this sect and it´s for that reason, because its adherents MISTAKENLY consider it intelligentsia to join the majority regardless of, whether this, or that opinion is intelligent. And such a being who does not consider such behavior intelligent, is perceived by the side of sect's adherents as "non-intelligent" and therefore naturally as such as "unnecessary," thus ideally as a slave suitable for misusing, which leads to the early departure of such a being from the world either due to natural frustration, depression and suicide, or by destruction and kicking off by the adherents of the sect before something like that, what might be called dignified old age. The EU is a very unhealthy functioning, and thus evil and brutal organism, that eats itself and its adherents find this completely normal, even though they are ultimately its victims.

"Isn't the label „satanic sect“ a bit exaggerated?"

No. The representatives of this sect do not even make no secret of their confession.

They even consider it something unique, or somothing the best possible. Otherwise they would not even be its adherents.

Think off about the confession of satan as some historical medieval religious dogma and look disinterestedly, at what values and rules satanists follow in their lives, what they identify with, and what they say about themselves. Then you will once and for all clarify, who is a satanist and who is not, regardless of whether he admit to his confession, or try to persuade you for his confession, which usually happens in such way, that you have to betray your fellow man and bring him to the altar as an entrance oblation.

There are three basic interconnected signs of satanists. The third one I mentioned, it goes about subjective setting, from which the tendency of satanist to convince you to betray your fellow man and somehow from it together to profit.

The first one is, that satanists do not hide the fact, that their basic nature is to prioritize satisfying their own personal and thus egoistic desires and needs at the expense of other beings.

At a superficial view, this seems like something entirely natural in society, but when you think deeply about, that they are essentially saying that during a loving act they do not care, whether it is pleasant for their fellow or not, or they even find pleasure and satisfaction in the fact that he does not find it pleasant and finds special pleasure in it, you will take notice, because you will realise, that they represent the same behaviour in all spheres of society.

And it is precisely the possibility of acting at the expense of other beings, that is equally as attractive to them as for example alcohol is to an alcoholic. It is about DEPENDENCE and thus behavior, they are DEPENDENT on, which gives them sense and brings them similar, as love act, sexual satisfaction. They do not know any other way of life, and another way of life is not even interesting to them in this their setting, because if they can achieve something just like that and easily without it being at the expense of other beings, it just doesn't make sense to them, because it's just not associated with inflicting pain on their part towards other beings.

This is, of course, for a being who does not profess satanism... something TOTALLY IMCOMPREHENSIBLE. One of the biggest fallacies is to insist that if a being acts Honestly and Sincerely by itself, so do other beings, for example satanists. No, they don't. Just because you act that way, still does not mean that the satanist, who may even pretend to be a believer and a professing faith in Jesus Christ, is not right now dealing with the question, of how to skin you and grill you like a ram.

So it is especially the pain, that satanists can inflict on other beings, that interests them, even more than what they gain materially through their actions.

Such beings do not know that they do not actually freely choose their actions, they do not know, that they are currently facing their own DEPENDENCY, they have no idea, that they are only coping with their own DEPENDENCY on this way of manifesting and acting, i.e. by KARMA, and they have no choice but to act as they are currently acting. They are taking revenge on their unconscious level for the pain their fellow man have caused them in the past. Their way of manifesting is just a way of coping with what they have accepted "before". They take the accumulated pain - KARMA - out of themselves again and send it on. So it's not that they "freely minded chose to be satanists", it's actually that in their own WEAKNESS in the sense of their own inability to renounce their own tendency to take revenge for previous accepted pain on their fellow man, they chose this religion in order to somehow excuse, justify, vindicate their WEAKNESS in front of themselves. So they sanctified it before themselves as "normality". Beings who linger in hell, do so. They HAVE NO other choice. They are so snarled up and tangled in their suffering, that they present their own WEAKNESS as "superiority", or as "intelligent virtue", which is a manifestation of their own self-deception that they face, not "some sovereign form of intelligent action", as the WEAKER natures convince and affirm amongst themselves, because the very fact, that they need more and more and more external sacrifices to act proves CLEARLY, that it is NOT an INDEPENDENT and therefore Noble action.

In other words, such beings they (CAN´T,translators note) get along with each other in the setting in which they linger for a long time without further sacrifices or without the Grace provided in terms of a response to their suffering… they CAN'T, and because they can't, they are basically DEPENDENT on their inability to renounce their propensity for revenge, and thus have no choice but to act as they do, which is WEAKNESS and not strength, which is therefore inherently neither a Free and Independent action, nor one that is particularly exceptional and thus not superior.

The second basic feature of the adherents of satanism is, that they achieve their goals using ANY means, i.e. lie, fraud, trick etc. Satanists, in order to justify their own WEAKNESS before themselves, profess this trait of BETRAYAL as something "intelligent" and thus "legitimate", and they refer to the one who BETRAYAL, as a moral weakness despise, amongst themselves as a being suitable for destruction, because according to their mendacious religious creed of their own "superiority", it is he who is "weaker" than them and thus "less intelligent". But the TRUTH is, that the way such beings act, they SECRETLE LONG for someone who would not betray them, they themselves seek LOVE AND HAPPINESS, and because they do not provide it themselves, what they do not provide, they naturally do not find. In other words, therefore, FRAUD, as the subjective setting of such beings, is their main religious confession, which they rigidly insist upon, not because they are mentally incapable of more, but because they anything else till now DON´T KNOW, have not yet met with anything better in their miserable lives and because they have not met with, they have not met even with inspiration, and are therefore on the level of their own character too WEAK FOR NOW. And it's not because these beings are somehow evil at a core, no one else has treated them better yet, so nothing else has made sense to them untill now, they haven't known to live differently until now. Without inspiration overcoming their own WEAKNESS is enormously difficult, or rather completely IMPOSSIBLE. If you provide your understanding to such beings, you will not be angry with them, and if you will not be angry with them, they will no longer feel as special, as they did before, and their immature actions will slowly cease to make sense to them. Thus your own ability to COMPASSION with those who suffer is a BASIC NECESSITY for them to be able to process their pain. If you do not give them REAL COMPASSION, you will be angry with them and they will perversely and therefore UNHEALTHILY enjoy the fact, that you are angry and their actions will make sense to them at their level of understanding, because they MISTAKENLY consider such interaction to be an act of love. Such beings are taught to gain favor and attention from others in this way. They CANNOT apologize and say SORRY, they CANNOT say PLEASE, they CANNOT SAY THANK YOU, they consider this as "unfree" acting and therefore feel inferior in it, while they consider the lie about their own "superiority" to be "self-confidence". Such beings DO NOT UNDERSTAND, that if they learned to apologize, ask and thank, they immediately HAVE ALL the attention they are forcing... and without much effort and endeavour COMPLETELY FREE. So the Unconscious beings HAVE to torture themselves with their effort just because, because they don't know this YET, they DON'T UNDERSTAND this, they this in their poor lives DON'T PRACTICE. And because they do not practice, they do not accumulate the Basis of Goodness and because they do not accumulate, it is not possible for them, to Realize the Enlightenment of the Buddha... because the Absolute Level is available ONLY to those beings, who DO NOT LIE themeselves, about being superior and therefore better than other beings... But if you don't consider yourself better, than are such suffering beings, it is natural, that you look at them as fools, who think you are crazy, just because you their actions don't profess. But you do not get angry, in their behavior you recognize yourself in your previous stages of evolutionary development... And beings, who under the influence of religious confession about their own "superiority", suffer deeply and "function", stand behind the EU project.

"But how could today's Europe function without the EU?"

Normally. Just like it functioned before. The question should rather sound like: "How is it possible, that people until today thought, that the EU is functioning?" Even already at the moment, when the EU issued the COMPLETELY NONSENSICAL measure, that pharmaceuticals should not have label, for what are beneficial, it was CLEAR, that this association is an association with the devil and not with God. And the devil succeeded only because people DON'T have themselves in mutual Respect and Love and do NOT HONOUR each other. They have demeaned the relationship between each other to a monetary one. Money as small papers, that has no real value they began to elevate over QUALITY interpersonal relationships and bonds. The devil put them to Sleep when he offered them a GAME for their private personal gain and he LIED to them, that if they try hard enough, they will win over others. What he didn't tell them was, that while they were preoccupied with this GAME, every once in a while some sheep would be lost from the flock, along with EVERYTHING, it had built up in this game. The Devil offers something, but doesn't realistically provide it. The Devil has his servants, who will simply deprive you of what you have hard worked for, and he will do it at the exact moment, you reach a level, that you could the functioning of his project jeopardize.

Each state is supposed to work for itself, like the BRICS grouping, through the development of real diplomatic relations not the unworthy spectacle of the EU, that we are witnessing today. But exiting a sect, that is built on rampant corruption, is not easy, like divorcing a lazy and hungry demon, in which you have seen, that it does not devote itself to anything else except self-presentation of its necessity and indispensability, and therefore anything real does not offer. Fanatical believers, and therefore victims, would have to stop lying to themselves about the fact, that it anyone but themselves can with them REALLY mean well. This is the hardest difficulty of abused beings, as with domestic violence, and those beings who abuse them are very aware of this. Let the abusers be excused that goes about abuse that is mutual, because the victim of abuse is simultaneously abusing his abuser, which the abuser, of course, because he is faced with his own idea of his own superiority, does not realize.

"How could believers see through their delusion?"

By admitting their own foolishness and folly. EU membership offers many benefits, but when a person begins to use his head and brain for what it is used for and really thinks about, he realizes, that it is not possible, for someone EXTERNAL to fully FULFILL you what, you yourselves need,that, what your nation and the people at your home need. And why would he do that? And where else would he get the money to do it, but by some mysterious way, CHEATING from the one to whom he promises it? Don't you know the motto: "A promise, you don't even want to keep, you won´t offend with "?

Believers love the idea of "happy better tomorrows" and MOSTLY for them "easy solutions" which attract them MORE, than the ordinary Honest and Sincere and therefore CLEAN life in contact with their HEART, because IF the believers were not lying to themselves and were in touch with their HEART, it would be impossible for them, to WISH to believe such a NONSENSE, that someone who has a surplus is so very kind and wants in their interest to share it ... That is why I consider the EU to be a sect, because its designers have managed to arrange, the believers believe, that it is in the EU's interest to give them something more, than they are able to provide themselves, or more, than will give them God Himself...

And as long as the believers WANT to believe it, the EU will be a religious tradition in its entirety,so with propaganda, to be outwardly "beautiful" and with its dark side, i.e. all-powerful dark beings, who do not shy anyway from anything. But this EVERY impure idea is short-lived, because the decay will soon start to show on such matters like the lgbtq agenda, which is a signal, that if it is possible for the EU to pass something like this off as "legitimate teaching in schools", the WHOLE project is COMPLETELY OFF. At the same time it is ALWAYS the case that when the light rises, the darkness rises, it means, that the more the darkness pushes nonsenses, the more the light will shine, because it is the darkness, that makes the light excel, not the other way around. In other words, even the bad will finally help beings, to realize, what is good.

Or have You ever someone like that, who would just give away for no reason at all, met? Absurd, isn't it... But the believers love this lie, and the one, who knows, they love it, serves it up to them as they wish. In the words of our national artist, Mr. Jan Werich: "Not even a chicken digs for free."

"Now you mean the subsidy system?"

Subsidies are a chapter in themselves, but the principle of how they work can be used to show how everything in the EU works. So this sect promises subsidies, makes a hit parade about it and all the believers are all moved. Utter insanity and euphoria, just like in a sect. A select few are chosen to prove to the rest that "happiness exists". You want proof? There you have it, and "you can touch it also physically". Oh Yeah, but the chosen ones are so tangled up with all this nonsences,that if they could tangled out of it, and live somewhere in the marquee in the woods on bread and water, and especially irreproachable, they'd do it right away. But they can't no longer, because they were chosen under certain conditions, not just like that, because the sect doesn't offer unconditional love. So they have signed a contract with the devil and getting out of it in one lifetime is not easy. Thus, the sect, like the devil says himself, that what he gives, he will take innumerable times and it will pay for it the common man at home. This means, that who is chosen by the sect as one who has subscribed to it, or who blindly believes the sect, is complicit in the concrete bloody victims at his home. The EU project basically works on the principles of a lottery, that earns, that does not really give anyone out of love.

"Could you please elaborate a bit on why believers still love this faith?"

Um, why do believers buy lottery tickets and why do they gamble? Believing foolish nonsense about future prosperity is more comfortable and easier, than struggling to get along with your fellow man every day. In that is also the ONLY POSSIBLE HAPPINESS, the rest is FRAUD on yourself and your fellow men, for he who deceives himself, deceives his fellow men. Working on EVERY relationship is very difficult and winning the lottery provides the drug of imagining escape from a first loved and then hated partner. ANY being, who does not possess the BASIC Knowledge of the Buddhas, and who therefore is NOT AWARE that its manifestation in physical reality implies a DUALITY of "good and evil" in the sense, that what it experiences on the level it likes and dislikes again, is behaving like a child, because it MUST CONSTANTLY chase after, what it likes and MUST CONSTANTLY escape from what it dislikes. It is a CEASELESSLY oscillation and a RESTLESS trudging in the setting of this Deep Ignorance. Now realize, that the being gains realistically nothing, except life experience in this incarnation, and therefore does not lose anything... , but the Deeply Ignorant beings do not know this, or logically understand it, but do not profess a practice under the guidance of the Experienced Master, because they do not really care about themselves yet. They think BY MISTAKE, that to be Jealous and Envious of their fellow men for their noses between their eyes and therefore to be a being that is Greedy, and therefore Hungry, and therefore Hateful, and therefore demonic, is "love to the self". Such beings DO NOT make sense for their own CALM and PEACE UNTIL NOW.

It's nothing personal, immature beings are more concerned with "new experiences" and about making those experiences "better", than the previous ones. They do NOT REALIZE, that they are ALL at its core the SAME, because if these beings HAVE to chase after them, they do not bring LASTING HAPPINESS... Thus, immature beings miss the point, that EVERYTHING is, as they say, "bread with two crusts" in the sense, that EVERYWHERE is pleasant, and the "pleasant" will sooner or later EVERYWHERE turn into "unpleasant". Nothing can be done about this Absolute Truth. Also the luxury, that a delicate being gets used to, sooner or later becomes ordinary and the being hungers for more luxury and that hunger has no end. It is a psychosis, and the beings, who are entangled in it, DO NOT KNOW CALM, and he who does not know CALM, has war within himself, and many such beings, that organizing their intentions among themselves, means many wars in the world...

Believers sleep, and sleep is sweet, and sleeping beings, in order to experience that sweetness, do not hesitate to sacrifice their fellow men on the altar of that sweetness. In other words, laziness is sweet, and immature beings, rather than their own diligence in their relationships with their fellow men, choose the easier path, which consists in justifying their own convenience,and there, where beings justify their own convenience, COMPLETELY NATURALLY demonic beings act, who right on this TREASON and therefore FAITH hungrily wait... because, for example such a lawyer in the service of the devil cannot have an income, IF you have no dispute, IF you LOVE yourself, IF you are in HEART, IF you are in LOVE, IF you honor the TRUTH about THIS LOVE for your fellow man... and so it is with other beings and professions, who the dark side, just because they have a closed HEART, slavishly serve... Of course, the reverse is also valid...

I call it a cesspool, because it with the unwillingness to LOVE stinks and therefore goes about a lie. When you point this out to believers in one situation or another, they jump on like the devil out of the box and are deviled, because they have the impression that you are interfering with their "rights and freedoms". Yes, they will suddenly find themselves unfree, because you have touched on a delicate truth about their desperate existence. A desperate existence, not because perhaps they are not worthy of LOVE, but because they themselves are not for LOVE and for the TRUTH of that LOVE for their fellow man worthy enough, to get excited about those qualities... which is COWARDICE. And when you point out their weaknesses, in which they put pleasures before LOVE for their fellow men, it seems to them, that you are threatening their "free will", which reallisticly someone, who preferes pleasures before LOVE for their fellow man, does not realistically disposes... And he who deceives himself in this, has no other choice, but that he is inevitably deceived. This is, after all, KARMA about causes and effects and not free will.

"Is there any way out of this suffering?"

There is a way out of everything, but without those who really wish to find it, there is none happening and never will happen. It is necessary to admit the inability to work collectively in a sense of national belonging. It is necessary to admit, that anyone, who believes in a personal utilitarian lifestyle is actually a SLEEPING WUSS, who professes the accumulation of his profits, which just means SELF-DECEPTION in the form of WEAKNESS in the sense of preferring personal self-indulgence to LOVE for their fellow men. Well and the WEAKLINGS have no choice but to bow down the golden calf. So WEAKNESS is also a DESIRE to "be rich, so that I can impress my fellow men, preferably in such a way, that they are Jealous of me and ENVY me and therefore HATE me". Yes, insanity... I know of cases, where beings buy movable and immovable property just to piss off their neighbor. So what is it? Where are we? Is this a culture? Or is it more of a decline...?

The self-deception of such mad beings is, that they do not really love their fellow men and their punishment is that, just as they deceive their fellow men, they are by their fellow men deceived, because, after all, only a fool works in order to be able to be flashy in front of others…, because such a fool does not really realize, that he works in dependence on them, and therefore actually for them and therefore actually serves them, and therefore does not really devote himself to such employment of his own free will... And such a fool, who lies to himself in this way, he does not even think about, that you do not even envy him his foolishness, you just observe it and say to yourself: 'This is how I used to live, before I understood that, not all gold is gold that glitters.' In other words, he who lies to himself in the above, he in this his mental setup basically on his knees, as a believer in this lifestyle, is begging, to be deceived in this same way. This setup is the KARMA of beings, who have not in the sense of Holy Service to the Three Jewels accumulated enough personal Merit of Good. Such beings linger on the "belief stage" in their own self-deception and until they see through it, the Enlightenment of the Buddha and thus the Possibility of Breaking out of the cycle of rebirth in the cycle of Samsara is to them NOT available.

"You say there is no end to the madness. will the madness never end?"

There must be a measure of suffering for beings, who sooner or later realize, that such a life, where they build their character and relationships based on LOVE for their fellow men and on the TRUTH of that LOVE, is even more challenging, but paradoxically easier in the end, and therefore more intelligent. The level of that intelligence opens up to them in the moment they acknowledge their deep depression, in which they realize, that their relationships are actually superficial and they are just a mechanical component in them, where if they function and religiously pursue their own profit and watch with it the destruction of others, they are accepted, and if not, they are liquidated. This is the state of HELL. Such beings realise, that they are actually living in slavery, in which they MUST bow to the golden calf, and what they MUST, they do not voluntarily choose and so the way of prioritising personal benefit is actually in effect an unfreedom, that does not really make them happy, because they lack in it their own Dignity.

Such suffering beings must be of the way of leading their lives so bad and sick, that they get, at the way they lead their current life, or rather death, HEALTHY angry so much, that it makes them sober up from their hangover. But to that suffering, there is no end, because you know yet, how difficult it is for an alcoholic to put their addiction away, without fighting it for the rest of their life. That is why it is important to know, that the followers of the golden calf this endeavour and self-inflicted torture love and they love to take on others for the misery they inflict on themselves revenge. Such beings stubbornly believe, that whoever does not do, what they want, is responsible for their bad life and is therefore the culprit. And they treat each other accordingly. And as long as they succumb to Ignorance, and therefore unwillingness, and therefore their own inability to take responsibility for their own life, they HAVE NOT any other choice. In this setup they TORTUE each other, as they take on accusations, that don't really belong to them, only to then send them back at someone, who accepts them, as their REVENGE. They are not concerned with anything else. They take on the burden of responsibility for the guilt, that someone on them, who lies to them, imposes and then repeat the same somewhere, where it gets away with it. If, on the other hand, the receiver, refuses to accept guilt, he makes a histerical or historical scene about, that everything, they have done to this day, they have done for him and if he does not allow himself to be blamed for their irresponsible behavior, he is a backstabber. It is actually the peeing and calculation of someone, who is entangled in three times: past, present and future. Such a being has NO choice but to CONSTANTLY regret that, what she has done for others in the past, because she is CONSTANTLY busy counting, how it paid off and what he gets out of it now, in the present. Such a being continues to account according to these outputs, and as the pressure increases according to, how she fears the future, and what is the degree of fear of, what will happen in the future, such is the degree of his tendency to exert pressure on her fellow men. This pressure is masked by such a being into all kins of intelligently over-designed explanations, which in the end simply lead to that, you to do, what she WANTS. And the one, who does not control himself, has NO choice, but to TORTURE beings others.

It is a schizophrenia in which beings, even when they should not, take on guilt, that does not really belong to them. But because they cannot their lives without, being tormented in this way, imagine, they actually love this way of leading their lives. Because when someone wrongs them, they can feel strangely important by inflicting pain on someone else, and it gives them a strange satisfaction because they explain inflicting pain on someone as their power over them, that it is their own powerlessness, because they don't realize their DEPENDENCE, it doesn't even occur to them. So on the one hand they MUST constantly lie about the fact, that it all, they are doing, is actually a sacrifice, they are doing mostly for others. But at the same time, if that someone, they such lie to him, died, they would just continue with whoever, who just come along. Their counterparts, because they act the SAME way, know this of course, and UNLESS it provides material benefits for them, they will calculatingly tell themselves that they will, the undignified spectacle now and then, when it is worthwhile, tolerate. And in the SAME way, they then apply THAT SAME methods elsewhere, or figure out, how to "sophistically" differently avenge back at the one, who tries it on them. And SO ON AND ON. It's such a GAME of bad kids in the sandpit, who, just because their shells have a few wrinkles, think, they're not acting like kids anymore, because they are, after all, "adults". But the way, they look mature in their actions, doesn't look mature AT ALL.

This mummery Believers MUST, like children in kindergarten, helplessly and therefore unfree devote to, until they discover a magic of relationships based on PURITY in behaving in the sense of "as I wish for myself, so I wish for my neighbors", because where there is no Envy and Jealousy, there is no Greed and Hatred in one's own HEART, there is no Violence. Yes, as simple as that it is and he who does not understand, or KNOWINGLY does NOT WANT to understand, HAS NO choice, but HATE as a slave to serve. This simple TRUTH are superficial believers afraid of, because what would their world be without violence? They also know, that beings, who disclaim violence against themselves and their fellows, are rare in that, they can be in this posture alone and even abandoned by all beings by others and who cannot do this, HAVE NO other choice but to superficially prefer the lie of quantity over quality, which is just related both to the infatuation of oneself in the form of pleasures, and thus to the question of character and morality in the sense of one´s own ability to self-control. And then you have here a clouds of products, that are basically not even fit for human being to consume, because where stupidity is, there is demand, and where there is demand, there is supply. Those, who believe such lies, do not realize, that unless they make a radical change in their approach to their lives, the mechanism will finally destroy them themselves, because those who turn a blind eye to the TRUTH of LOVE for their fellow man will be turned a blind eye to them,this is KARMA

"It's hard for me. I feel a huge responsibility for myself and my loved ones."

This indicates a correct understanding. Even though it is a difficult thing to accept, realizing one's own personal responsibility in that sense is more intelligent than the childish GAME of false hopes, because even those, who mean it although maybe well with the people in their nation, may not realize, that already from PRINCIPLE it is not possible, to actually succeed by their participation in the EU project, because - and this I UNDERLINE - it is not really about what is happening in the EU project, but about, maintaining and nourishing the idea of the necessity of this project, thus is achieving the attention of the believers, and the sect is by this attention of yours, by your attention literally nourished. IF the EU project is evaluated by the believers as not beneficial for them, they stop giving it their Precious Attention and it collapses in an instant, because it is just your Precious Attention, that interests those, who cannot give it to themselves - when you realize this, you will also understand that,that this, what you already have, can surely no one else give to you... and IF he offers you something, he offers it to you ONLY BECAUSE to have your attention, which he WANTS precisely, because he is DIRECTLY DEPENDENT on it.

In other words, in its essence it absolutely does not matter for what external purpose what assembly is created, the goal is to secure the largest possible assembly in ANY way, to keep it alive in ANY way, to keep those discord in it in ANY way at sixes and sevens, and on it without expending any effort of their own CONTINUALLY profit from this - i.e. PARASITISM. Remember the words of Our Merciful Lord Jesus Christ: "When the people quarrel, the Roman profits." Is the Roman, then, engaged in anything other than stirring up strife among the people? And isn't it a coincidence because when is chaos, it can easily happen, that property, that previously belonged to someone, suddenly belongs to someone complete else, and that one, who was the owner before has undetected "disappeared"? Remember, it is MAN who is capable of working, or creating value, and NO ONE, who is spineless and therefore lazy, NO. So Roman is an advocate, who does not actually defend human rights, who makes a material profit, when people argue. Of course, this is not true of the exceptions, who practice advocacy out of PRINCIPLE, to make it these fraudsters and backstabbers their tricks and frauds, if not advert, at least make them more difficult by exposing them to the LIGHT. The same is true of other professions, such as so-called doctors, who ABSOLUTELY DO NOT CARE about ordinary people, because they cloak themselves in the robe of a doctor just to "somehow advantageous for them" their distressing subjective crisis last out... and NOT AT ALL because of the PRINCIPLE of LOVE for their fellow man... Of course, this is true of those who such are, not of their exact opposite.

Read the book Transurfing by author Vadim Zeland, or rather study it over and over again for the rest of your life. The parasite, whatever title it may boast, considers its parasitism the peak of its intelligence, it has not yet gone further in its evolutionary development. This is not an insult, I myself was a parasite, and a parasite is DEPENDENT, not independent, so he has nothing to be proud of.

"So do we believe, that we need someone, who has nothing real to offer, because he has, as far as his own evolutionary development is concerned, to do what with himself?"

Bing ho! But the parasite is not therefore evil. He's a teacher. But not because he knows more than you do, and therefore might be realistically superior to you. He's a teacher, because you are learning through studying his character, how to unparasitize the organism of your environment, which in turn causes the parasite itself willy nilly must to learn, how to be more intelligent, so that it can continue its parasitizing. It's a battle of intelligence. Look at the parasite as an ivy crawling up the trunk of i.e. a cherry tree to get sun, i.e., to get light. The ivy cannot reach the sun without the support of the cherry tree trunk. So it is with flora. And it´s the same with the EU. A few creeping ivies have convinced entire cherry orchards that "cherries can't live without ivy," that "cherries need ivy" "just because of ivy" to get to the light. So what is this else than but sectarianism? As I have already said, the real sun is the attention of beings, to which such beings, who as yet cannot be considerate of themselves and therefore not of their fellows, DIRECTLY DEPEND. Why? Because what they cannot give themselves, they are GREEDY and HUNGRY for, and the greater the incapacity for self-love, the greater the HUNGER for external attention. Simply slavery...

The parasite lives in CONSTANT fear of what the future will bring and under the influence of this fear he is OVER A HEALTHY degree preoccupied with the external world and the work of accumulating material things so much, so that he misses the fact, that giving more attention to himself is the only thing, what can realistically satisfy him, because it is the only thing that can realistically calm him down, only in that he has the possibility of finding his Own, on anyone else Independent Self-love Ability .. From this level of himself he can then emerge MUCH more satisfied and in the setting of this self-satisfaction find MUCH easier solutions to all his life situations, and THANKS TO THIS he can gradually renounce UNWORTHY action, that is, which IS NOT in HARMONY with the Eight Fold Path of the Buddha:

What the parasite achieves with enormous commitment and effort, so the one, who can pay attention to himself, can do with minimal effort. Naturally the parasite, who feels himself stupid and incapable is Jealous of this, therefore Begrudging, therefore is Greedy, and therefore also Hate, and therefore is himself COMPLETELY UNNECESSARILY by his own resentment, which he MUST carry in his HEART without the Knowledge of the Buddhas, BUNDERING. When he understands that, with LOVE and TRUTH he will find REAL CALM and PEACE in his HEART, he will find that all this time he has only been torturing himself... With that he will also find, that what is a MUCH kinder attitude of life to himself and to his fellows, is also so MUCH less difficult, than his over-preoccupation with just that external world... , and therefore also more intelligent, than to undergo all the burden of the world and with the status for which other Jealous and Envious and Greedy people actually only Hate him... and therefore there is actually NOTHING to stand for... because who intelligent would voluntarily wish of himself that his fellow men would HATE him? Especially when we consider, that HATE is DIRECTLY LINKED to Violence...this after all, can only someone, who LOVE for himself isn´t MEANTIME really capable...

To we better understand the suffering of beings, who suffer from parasitic tendencies, it is necessary to know, that it is, because they try to grasp so-called matter and deprive other beings of it, even though it IS NOT possible to grasp so-called matter permanently, because it is format non-material. Beings, who try to do so, do it only, to avoid thinking about their fear of what, the future will bring and just from these considerations they escape and try themselves in ALL possible and especially ANY way to employ …,but they do not think about, that WHENEVER they stop and start repeatedly afraid of what the future will bring, their previous efforts have not brought them real CALM and is therefore meaningless. All efforts to satisfy their HUNGER in this way fail, regardless of what such deeply suffering beings have managed to achive. Why? No matter what they have achieved, their HUNGER cannot be satisfied in this way of trying, CALM or PEACE in their HEART they do not find. Therein lies the Lightness of the Kindest Beings, or its opposite. It is not about winning in the sense of "the greatest possibility of misuse the situation over their fellow men", so activity, which does not bring real happiness, in real it is about achieving one's own subjective state of anyone external INDEPENDENT happiness. This is what it goes all about, and without the knowledge of Buddhas, it achieved CANNOT be.

Starting with state sovereignty, with own food self-sufficiency and with own educational system, the BASIS of which will be an introduction to the Knowledge of the Buddhas, is a good start. Or is so-called education supposed to be suggested on us by a parasite, when we already know its limited motivation? He does nothing but cut wool and lie that he actually gives you wool... CAN'T, and those who refuse to see it, will simply provide wool incarnation after incarnation, as well as will pay the tax in the form of his attention, just because he is in sect and his belief stubbornly believe... The result of such a BLIND belief is, that the blind believers believe, that the lgbtq agenda is here for beings to thrive, and that it is not actually only about not reproducing, and goes therefore really just about an attack on HEALTHY families in order to DESTABILIZE this, or that nation.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome. May ALL beings Realise the Primordial State of Buddha!"


Lumír Láska 💜 Buddha Maitreya 

Spiritual Authority, czech presidential candidate 2023, World Peace Mediator, Charter Resolution 2024

On behalf of the beings of this world, hosted by:

Biyanka Dharma, Sangha Heart of Dharma

Czech original version:



On July 1, 2023, the office of the presidential candidate of the Czech Republic,

Lumír Láska, Buddha Maitreya, sent a letter to the office of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin:

czech original letter:

All governments of the world were informed of this facton 10.07. – 13.07.2023.

Absolute Knowledge for the Entire World 🕊️💜🌍

With the currently available Knowledge of the Buddhas about the Transcendence of the Reincarnation Frame, you now have, for the first time in your evolutionary development, the Opportunity for Free Choice in the sense of Realizing Your Own Decision about repeated incarnation and the associated re-illnesses, re-aging, and re-dying related to the bodily shell, not you. Thanks to the currently available and understandable Knowledge of the Buddhas, beings no longer NEED to undergo the suffering caused by separation and war. 🕊️💜🌍

WARNING: The currently available Opportunity to gain Absolute Free Choice in the sense of Realizing Your Own Decision about repeated incarnation and the associated re-illnesses, re-aging, and re-dying.

Story of Bodhisattva Maitreya (Part 1/2) The Maha-parinirvana of Maitreya

Story of Bodhisattva Maitreya (Part 2/2) The next life of the Maitreya Bodhisattva

Lumír Láska: Heart of Dharma or Guide to The Self

Lumír Láska: April 24, 2021 - I Love You - I Grant You Grace

Thus Have I Heard

Lumír Láska: August 7, 2021 - The End of KARMA - Eternal Life

Lumír Láska: December 06, 2023 - Buddha on the occasion of Saint Nicholas Day,

confirmed the Enthronement of Christ in Slovakia.

Unification of the Buddhist and Christian View:

Our Merciful Lord Jesus Christ:

Noble Buddha Shakyamuni, called GAUTAMA:

This was received by ALL governments of the world

and thousands of contacts around the world. 🙏💜🌍🕊

Maitreya Buddha Sutra or Emptiness... Mother of The Heirs to Immortality Available at Amazon:

Maitreya Buddha Sutra oder die Leere... die Mutter der Erben der Unsterblichkeit

Lumír Láska: 27. 3. 2019 The end of the world

Lumír Láska: 30. 6. 2020 The end of the world or the Reign of light


6. 6. 2024 – 17. 9. 2024 NEW PARADIGM

September 17, 2024

END of the Age of Faith – END of This Age – END of This Eon –BEGINNING of the Golden Age of Enlightenment – INDEPENDENCE – Paradise on Earth

Czech original document:

6. 6. 2024 – 17. 9. 2024 NOVÉ PARADIGMA

KONEC věku víry – KONEC Tohoto Věku – KONEC Tohoto Eónu – ZAČÁTEK Zlatého Věku Osvícení – NEZÁVISLOST – Ráj na Zemi

GUARANTEE of a better future birth

Czech original document:

ZÁRUKA lepšího budoucího zrození / GUARANTEE of a better future birth


and CALL for the Liberation of Julian Assange


Czech original document:


k Osvobození Juliana Assange/GLOBAL BALANCE TOOL and CALL to FREE Julian Assange


Little Buddha by Alenka Loučková
Little Buddha by Alenka Loučková

Czech original document:


December 06, 2023 Buddha on the occasion of Saint Nicholas Day,

confirmed the Enthronement of Christ in Slovakia

Czech original document:

06.12.2023 Buddha u příležitosti Svátku Svatého Mikuláše

potvrdil intronizaci Krista na Slovensku 

November 27, 2023 Open Letter to President Pavel

Czech original document:

27.11.2023 Otevřený dopis panu prezidentovi Pavlovi

@prezidentpavel @RobertFico @PutinDirect

November 30, 2023 Reaction to Open Letter for Czech president Pavel

Czech original document:

30.11.2023 Reakce na Otevřený dopis panu prezidentovi Pavlovi


Sangha Heart of Dharma contact:

Direct link where you can leave a message to Sangha Heart of Dharma:




EN  Maitreya Buddha Sutra or Emptiness... Mother of The Heirs to Immortality

DE  Maitreya Buddha Sutra oder die Leere... die Mutter der Erben der Unsterblichkeit


CZ  Maitreya Buddha Sútra aneb Prázdnota... Matka Dědiců Nesmrtelnosti

Book Review by significant philosopher and phenomenologist

operating at Charles University (Faculty of Education, Huss ite Theological Faculty)

Prof. PhDr. Anna Hogenová, Csc.:

 "The book we have in front of us is Maitreya Buddha Sutra by Lumír Láska, which shows us how to break free from suffering in our lifetime. Given the myriad hardships of this day and age, a book like this is a blessing. We suffer, we are under threat and we don’t understand why because we simply can’t. A situation like this is not unfair: ontological discomfort is part of our lives more than we are able to realise and come to terms with. The author presents us with a simple equation: B + MD + C = 0. (B – beginning, MD – momentary duration, C –cessation, 0 – zero.)

   The meaning of this is so simple that we are not immediately able to recognise the profundity and truth of this relationship. We have to approach this with the humility and openness that is essential for this kind of deeper thinking.

   Lumír Láska gently and tenderly “forces” us down a path of reconciliation, of deep peace, which issomething we need today more than ever.

   Emptiness, the full emptiness that is the Brahma, which represents the impersonal supreme divine “being”, is the goal to be attained. It is the path to self-discovery, not in the form of our self, or the Heideggerian “Selbst”: it is the path to liberation right here on earth, in space and time among other people. The book is about the path to liberation, to nirvana. But this journey involves a deep understanding and self-liberation through themes such as “The Matrix of the Universal Law of Impermanence, The Characteristic of the Non-self, The Four Noble Truths, Compassion – The Gateway to Enlightenment, The Mantra of Pure Directness” etc. Buddhism is a very good path for life. And the book is excellent.   My wish is that all readers will be infused with this special light that leaves changes in the soul, changes that will help us to live in ontological discomfort. Thank you to all who helped this book manifest itself in our existences."

Prof. PhDr. Anna Hogenová, CSc., Prague, 25 February 2021

The text HEART OF DHARMA or Guide to The Self preceded the book


The text of this little book, THE HEART OF DHARMA or Guide to the Self,

may be regarded as a shorter version of the Sutra.

Available for download in three languages CZ, EN, DE

YouTube audio EN:

YouTube audio CZ original + EN subtitles:


The supramental world exists, to which the Entire World in the Spiritual sense should

take a stance, because IT IS THIS that should change the current way of perceiving the function of the world from "a place to be exploited by unaware entities" to "a temporarily experienced lesson and opportunity for learning", which should then lead to Peace and Tranquility in the World, thus to the Era of the Golden Age, the Paradise on Mother Earth.

Right now, Here, in This Golden Age, for those ready, the end of all suffering caused by war, the end of all diseases, the end of aging, the end of dying, and all other troubles associated with loss and separation...


czech original documents:

Lumír Láska: 07.08.2021- Konec Karmy – Život Věčný 🙏☸🍀

Lumír Láska: 24.4.2021 –⁠ Miluji Tě –⁠ Uděluji Ti Milost 🙏💜🕉

Lumír Láska: Srdce Dharmy aneb Návod k Sobě 🙏☸💜


Unification of Christian and Buddhist views on the nature of Reality,

part one and two:

01.01.2022 CHRIST IS A BUDDHA I - Happy Golden Age

FULL MOVIE Christ is a Buddha I

17.11.2022 CHRIST is BUDDHA II - In the beginning was the Word

Further Life-Essential References:

Happy Golden Age ✨


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