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Obrázek autoraLumír Láska

Responsibility is as light as a weight

States of deep meditative insight not unlike clinical death are quite common and natural for me, so as a being for whom the in-between state is as much a home as water is to a fish, I tell you this in advance:

Whoever you are my friends... I beg you all... and I plead with you... if you know of anything reckless, and dishonest that you have brought out, and done... whatever it is... whatever it is... whatever it is... I implore you all... please fix it for you, in time... please fix it for you, in time... please fix it for you, in time... please fix it for you, in time...

My friends... if something seems unfair to you here, and you justify your actions because of it, remember that it is nothing compared to the worlds that await you that will be denied you just because... just because... just because... just because... right now you act as if this is your only life... AT THE DECISIVE MOMENT you will be shown "what worlds you could enter", "for what reasons it is not possible for you", and you will also be taught what fate, and in what specific way, you have prepared for yourself... To understand this better and to take responsibility for yourself, look at the illustration... every being, without exception, radiates its own information field, which is hidden to the ordinary worldly view, an information field in which all records of the being and of its actions are written... it is a library of everything about you... it is literally a mark about you... and whatever the being is, this information field it radiates is always present wherever the being is... If this emanation of yours is compatible with the emanated qualities of this or that spiritual field (the Buddha Field), you meet the criteria for being able to make an Entry into these Buddha Fields... and the same is true in reverse... i.e., according to the MORAL BASIS of this or that being, such is the KARMA of that being... how TRUE this emanation is, such is the reward in the Hereafter...

No being can "fool a god"... to understand this better and to take responsibility for yourself, imagine the in-between state of BARDO as if you farted on the first day of school in class, the fart smelled awful... and everyone knew it was you... in the presence of Highly Intelligent Beings... like Buddhas... you are Perpetually Naked... therefore it will be you yourself who will feel embarrassed, unworthy and unworthy of the presence of High Beings because you yourself in their presence will recognize how you are without being forced to... you will judge yourself as you always have, by yourself... That's why I tell you all that when you sleep, you are awake... you are constantly awake... you are constantly present to everything... you are just playing at dreaming that you are dreaming that you are going to sleep, that you are just engaged in the "activity of sleep"... that you are "doing something significant", when it is all just a test... it is a game in the nursery called "this world"... it's a game of pretending to be engaged in something, but in reality, behind the "curtain", NOTHING... If you jump the gun in this game called "this world", and betray or cheat your fellow man "for things" that are constantly passing away and therefore have no real value... you will only cheat yourself terribly and horribly...

Remember... that no matter how much you may think you can figure it out, that no matter how superficially you occupy yourself with something or not... you are constantly headed for your grave... you are constantly headed there... you will do nothing about it, the situation is FLYING... it is like a LAVIN that is slipping away from under your feet... unstoppable like the RIDING SCHOOLS my daughter loves... and yet still standing in one place... and you all hurt yourselves all the more the more you try to avoid with your own mental resistance THAT which is impossible to avoid, THAT which is "going to happen" whether you avoid THAT or do not avoid THAT, regardless of whether you avoid THAT or do not avoid THAT...

Understand that this LAW does not care whether you accuse others of being better off than you or not... understand that ignorance of the LAW does not excuse you... that is why the Noble Buddha Gautama says, "Death catches the unprepared as a sleeping flood catches a village." and he is telling you to see that all that appears to be "important" is not really important at all, that what is more important is you in the sense of how CLEAN your relationships with your fellow human beings are... what is more important is that you are able to navigate your KARMIC situation in time!!! All of this is for the sole and only reason that you need to be prepared... that you need to be empowered to control your own destiny... that at the DECISIVE MOMENT... when it is no longer possible, not to panic, and not to suddenly, in your crisis and catharsis, frantically CLEAN and CHANGE what you should have been attending to before your DECISIVE MOMENT came... what you should have been attending to while you were playing at being "asleep"...

As a friend of mine says, "on no beach in the world man... can you run away from yourself..." because your own CONSCIOUSNESS is the GOD WITHIN YOU, who IS THE CONSTANT WITNESS PRESENT TO ALL THAT YOU DO... and therefore you simply cannot afford to be unprepared because at the DECISIVE MOMENT that which you know is un-HONEST in you will catch up with you plain and simple... because at the DECISIVE MOMENT you will not have time to prepare... at the DECISIVE MOMENT you will not have the time necessary to process what you know you are supposed to process... and if you are not ready at the CRUCIAL MOMENT, the PRESENCE OF GOD'S GRACE simply and simply will not stand, you will panic, and it will be you in the end who simply WILL NOT LET IT ALL GO...

without anyone helping you to this SELF SELF SELF SELECTION... or perhaps wishing you something "bad"...

In other words my friends... the situation is that you simply and simply cannot do without the Grace of All Buddhas...

May the Hand of the Lord protect you... do not let anyone who does not care about you or yourself fool you into giving your permission and acting against the free will of even one single being... for what you gain by doing so is dust by the roadside...

Friends... Death is not evil... and the problem is not even who you are or are not... but there are certain limits that you simply cannot afford to cross... I am telling you now in time... this is so that Death will be Gracious to you as well... Do not come to me then and say that I did not tell you in time... because I have had the experience of you coming to me to complain...

I wish you only those Happy Choices and Benevolent Friends that lead you to the Light... not the other way around...

With love and respect...

Lumír Láska Buddha Maitreya

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